Monday 21 March 2011


There it is! What took me so long? < there's a Shalamar reference.. I think I might do that alot.

Anyway, Hello! Welcome, you are now standing on the dance floor of The Dance Electric!

On this blog, I will discuss all things 80s. My love for 80s music grows by the day, there's always an artist or song I'm getting really excited about. I'll talk about my favourite artists, songs, and I'll write some reviews for albums through 1980- 1989, and then maybe a couple of years give or take, if I feel need be. I'll discuss music videos, performances and the big hair and crazy outfits. I'll post fabulous pictures and links to awesome videos.

I will put forward my knowledge and opinions, and recommend music, as do I hope everyone who visits this blog does too. I'm always looking to learn more and love more music.

So the beat starts now :)

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