Wednesday 6 April 2011

So Excited: Diana Ross, Chaka Khan

The 'So Excited' section of my blog will be showcasing the most recent songs that I've found that I love.

So first, Diana Ross. Now I've liked Diana Ross' songs, as in her hits, but I've never delved into more of her music. I thought I would give it a whirl after seeing her perform 'Eaten Alive' at the American Music Awards in 86, on Youtube. On just flicking through some tracks, it didn't really stand out to me, I don't why. But I decided yesterday to have another listen, and I'm glad I did because I found some gems!

These are the ones that stood out:




I was particularly surprised by this hard rock track! I never knew Diana could belt it out like this, as she normally sings with quite a soft tone to her voice.

So I'm going to listen to more and I'm going to be looking out for some of her albums to buy on cd in the stores. Particularly 'Swept Away' and 'Eaten Alive'.


Also, Chaka Khan. A few months ago I bought the album 'Destiny'. I had to get it online, as it seems to be alot harder to come by than it's predecessor, 'I Feel For You'. When I had a listen through some of her back catalogue I actually liked 'Destiny' more upon first hearing. Obviously on 'I Feel For You', the Prince-penned title track is awesome, and was a hit, as was the ballad 'Through The Fire', but the rest of it didn't wow me at first. My thoughts were that it was a bit too scratchy dj-ish for me, in parts. But like with Diana Ross, I decided to go back to it. The track that is sparkling for me right now is 'My Love Is Alive'. I'm going to continue to have a proper listen to 'I Feel For You', and luckily I don't think I'll have too much trouble finding this one in the shops, as it was her biggest album.


I love the cover art for 'I Feel For You' It's so cool, probably one of my favourites actually.


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