Tuesday 3 May 2011

On The Old Ipod

A few years ago now my Mum bought me a great hifi for my birthday, its one of those ones with a ipod dock. Which was good until I cracked the screen of my ipod and updated it for a newer version.. and found it didn't fit the hifi :/. Anyway the ipod still works but everything just has to be listened to in aphabetical order.. lol. But my Mum decided to put it on the other day. It was good to hear the songs I hadn't really heard in a while. So I thought I would share the songs I was particularly pleased to hear. We got to about 'G' in the alphabet that day haha.

Alexander O'neal- Fake

Bruce Hornsby & The Range- The Way It Is

Cher- I Found Someone

Extreme- Kid Ego

The Family- Screams Of Passion

George Clinton- Atomic Dog

I will listen to some more to see what other gems are on there :D

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